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Preschool Newsletter/ Upcoming Events


Preschool reopens after half term on Tuesday 7th January

Spring Term 1 - Newsletter​

​​Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all!


Welcome to our new families/children who are starting with us next week.

Thank you to those of you who purchased raffle tickets for our Christmas Raffle.  

We raised £110, we appreciate all your support!


We have lots of exciting things planned for this term including:


  • Week 1/2- Arctic Animals & Habitats

  • Week 3- People who help us

  • Week 4- Chinese New Year

  • Week 5 – Our Community & Where we live

  • Week 6 –Love and Kindness week


We would really appreciate it if any parents/carers would like to come in and help us with our ‘People who help us’ theme. Please let Lyndsey/Vicky know and we will arrange this with you,


Dates for your Diaries:


  • Keyworker trips- Local walks in the community for Our Community Week, we will let you know what day your child will be going on a trip and ask you to sign for consent.

  • Valentines Disco- Friday 14th Feb- Please wear red/pink. This is the last day of Spring Term 1.


Polite Reminders:


Home learning - Please ask a member of staff if you would like home learning packs, Phonics booklets/sheets or maths sheets to support your child’s learning at home.


Toys from home - We know the children would love to bring their new toys from Christmas into preschool, but we ask if you could please encourage them not to, as things go missing and sometimes cannot be replaced.

No NUTS - We are NO NUT preschool; can you please be vigilant when making your child’s packed lunch as we have a child in the setting who has a nut allergy.

Closing time is at 3pm - Preschool closes at 3pm. It is important that children are collected on time please.  We need to have left the building and be fully packed away by 3.15 as others use the hall. 


We have lots of useful information and resources on our Website….


“Don’t forget to Follow us on Facebook”


Thankyou Lyndsey, Vicky, Beth & Preschool Team.



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