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Our Vision

“Our vision is that all children are happy, healthy and safe

and enjoy learning in our stimulating and nurturing environment.

We work together with our families to ensure that every child

has the best start in life”


At Huntington Under 5s Preschool we strive to deliver an ambitious and effective curriculum and support the children to become independent learners. Staff influence their wider thinking across all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.  We endeavour to give all the children a stimulating and nurturing learning environment.  We promote a healthy, happy and safe environment that considers the safeguarding and welfare of every child.


We educate all the children across all seven areas of the EYFS through a balance of play-based learning, as we believe learning through play is vital. Our key worker focused activities follow the children’s interests and use our termly topics.


We promote Cultural Capital giving the children first hand learning experiences, so they are ready for school, promoting future success and giving every child the best start in life. Throughout the year we organise several exciting activities, experiences, trips, and visits/ visitors to the setting. We do yoga, gardening, and have a new “loose parts” station, where the children can learn through imagination to support and develop, learn new language and maths skills.

Learning is carefully planned by staff creating environments that match the needs and skills of the children. They observe their key children through small key group activities and plan next steps to develop the children’s learning. We have regular meetings together to inform planning and quality provision. The staff identify the needs of the children that may need further support and focus on this in their planned activities.

At Huntington Under 5's we model behaviours and attitudes through British Values and through Praise and Reward. We use positive behaviour management techniques. Staff support children to be self-aware, self-regulate, manage their feelings, have self-confidence, help them to find their voice, express themselves and to have independence. We want our children to understand the need for kindness.  We try to ensure our children feel safe and secure enabling a positive, confident attitude to learning and sharing feelings. We build on their existing knowledge and interests and develop their experiences of the world around them.

We respond to each child’s individual needs and abilities adapting as appropriate starting from their individual starting points e.g, tailoring our settling in process, differentiating our responses to them in their play to extend their ways of thinking and learning.

We value each child for who they are - every child is Unique!

We work in partnership with parents, as we believe children benefit from positive relationships between staff and parents/carers. The key worker system enables the staff to focus on their key children and develop special, warm relationships by getting to know the child and their family.

Staff at Huntington Under 5s are welcoming and create a inclusive environment that supports all children learning together.  We celebrate different cultures, religions and celebrations. For those children whose home language is not English, we take responsibility to provide the opportunities for children to develop this in play and learning and support their language development at home. Our curriculum ensures that the needs of the individual children including children with English as an Additional Language and Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities are met. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is met by quality teaching and is supported by Targeted Interventions where appropriate.

We recognise that communication and language is vital and acknowledge the importance of this as children progress into adulthood and ensure it is a consistent focus. We provide a rich language environment where conversations, interactions, singing and sharing stories are a regular part of the day. We want to foster a love of reading and read core books frequently with the children, these are the type of book that can be re-read again at different levels to support language development. We discuss these in our circle times to extend their learning, expression and thinking. We encourage the children to listen, answer questions and share books.

We promote healthy eating, healthy choices, and oral health. We regularly talk about this with the children throughout the year and give our parents information regarding this.

We have a particular love for outdoors and the children use both indoor and outdoor areas each day. Staff share this in key group times and child led times. We provide opportunities for our children to develop their coordination, control and movement. An example of this is our Wiggle and Waddle sponsor week.


We believe happy children learn, and the enjoyment of our curriculum promotes good behaviour. We are keen to make sure all the children are supported and prepared for the transition to school. We work closely with local schools to ensure a smooth transition into their new setting by holding transition meetings and we share information about the children. We work with parents in the process too.

Our curriculum is effective in that it helps the children develop and embodies our values. We try to instil attitudes that will make them lifelong learners and valuable future citizens.

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